This page provides an overview of CVCs (Corporate Venture Capitals) based on information from the following website, including investment policies, investment performance, and more. Please note that the investment policies and performance listed here are based on research, and for detailed information, refer to the individual company websites. FIRST CVC also offers information on many other CVCs, so please check it out.
Company Name: JGC Mirai Fund (日揮みらいファンド)
Company Overview: The JGC Mirai Fund, in collaboration with Global Brain Corporation, is a fund that supports the dreams of startups that believe in the future. By leveraging JGC’s abundant resources, the fund provides broad support and aims to realize a "safe, secure, and sustainable social system."
The JGC Mirai Fund targets the following four areas for investment:
Reference site:
FIRST CVC operates a community with 400 CVCs and offers a variety of services to both CVCs and startups.
If you're a startup interested in business collaboration or funding from CVCs, or if you're a CVC interested in business support or workshops, please get in touch.
Additionally, we have conducted the JAPAN CVC SURVEY in collaboration with Hitotsubashi University, with responses from over 130 CVCs. This survey provides useful insights for startups looking to collaborate with CVCs or raise funds, and serves as a benchmark for CVCs in their operations. We hope you find it useful.
For inquiries about our services, requests for documents, support requests, or to apply for community membership and event participation, please feel free to contact us here.